May 5th - A Voyage Into Space

This week it’s all astrophysics, astronomy, and astronauts. Try out these fun activities and learn more about life in space.

Solar systems tend to form in flat discs, but some bodies like comets and dwarf plants have orbits tilted compared to the rest of the solar disc.

Solar systems tend to form in flat discs, but some bodies like comets and dwarf plants have orbits tilted compared to the rest of the solar disc.


Women of NASA - Have a great time leaning about Women scientists while you do these fun mazes. Fun for all ages too.

Galactic Slime <<Warning!>> <<Glitter Alert>> - You can make it any color, add whatever sparkles you have around. Old sequins from shirts you’ve outgrown work as well.

Build a Habitat! - You are an astronaut who has landed on the moon. You have to build yourself some place to stay. You only have enough air in your suit for 20 minutes. You will need to build your habitat in 20 minutes!!!! What can you use around your house to build a habitat (couch cushions, blankets and chairs are really fun to use)

What is SPACE? Watch this cool video.

Sun Dance Party - The Sun is a Mass of Incandescent Gas. Learn more while rocking out to They Might be Giants “Why Does the Sun Shine?”

Want more about space? Check out the NASA Kids’ Club

How much a planet tilts greatly impacts it’s climate. The earth has seasons because of it’s relatively mild tilt.

How much a planet tilts greatly impacts it’s climate. The earth has seasons because of it’s relatively mild tilt.


Building a Spacecraft - To survive going into space humans have to have air, water, food, and protection from the vacuum of space. Build your own spacecraft!

Use whatever you have around the house. This link has some ideas.

You can also build an edible version and then become a space creature and eat the spacecraft!!!! (This one is my favorite.)

Flying is great!! The landing is the hard part. Build a lander to safely land on the surface of the moon or mars. Here are some great ideas!

In science we are all about testing. Make sure to test your lander. You may need assistance getting the height, so ask an adult for dropping assistance. You will also need to pick a safe landing spot.

Can you make an edible lander and be a creature that eats it!!! Maybe you have a dog and the dog can be a space monster that eats your lander!

How do you land on Mars?

Earth’s Satellite: The Moon

Good Moon Introduction

How did the moon get craters

Why does the moon have Phases?

Make the moon orbit!

Fun Cookie Activity! (You get to eat the phases when you’re done).

Science so good you can eat it!

Science so good you can eat it!

Middle School

The planets of our galaxy!

Our galaxy is called the Milky way

Here is fun and cool stuff about the planets

Pictures of the planets and the locations are often not to scale. Here is a fun example of if our Moon was only one pixel. Can you scroll out to the end of our galaxy?

Eugene has planets you can visit

How do planets get made? (maybe use earth as an example )

Can you make a planet out of edible parts in your house?

Yummy planets!

The planets have inspired many. Here is some information and a link to classical composer Gustav Holst and his compositions “ The Planets”  

How do scientists figure out all this cool stuff about the speeds of the planets?

Check out these cool planetary math problems that help you learn to think like a scientist.

Love to code! Use information from NASA to work on coding skills to interpret data!

High School

Grab your snacks and binge watch these! Ted talks on how we study space and all the cool awesome Science!!!!!


How do we get off the planet? How do we move in space? How do we land on planets?


What is a rocket?

How do rockets work?

Soda Straw rockets - Test your science skills with this activity from the Jet Propulsion Lab at NASA. What variables might impact how your rocket flies? Pose questions and devise experiments that will answer your questions using Soda Straw Rockets.

*Pro Tip Wind wrecks havoc with soda straw rockets (and paper airplanes) so try this indoors or an a calm day outside.

Balloon Rocket - How does changing the design of a simple rocket impact it’s flight? Try chaning different variables and documenting how fast/far/smoothly your zipline rocket flies.


Bubble rocket - Use chemistry to make your own rocket fuel safely here on the ground.

Rocket and Rocket Launcher 

Mentos and Coke Rocket (Need parent permission for this one)

*Pro Tip Diet soda is prefered because it’s easier to clean up without sticky sugar residue.

Other types of rockets (get approval first)

Matchbox Rocket Launching Kit

Baking Soda and Vinegar Rocket

Stories of Women Rocket Scientists

 Story of 22 year old Rocket Engineer Tiera Guinn

Tiffany Davis on engineering careers for women

Former Rocket Scientists Sylvia Acevedo, now CEO of Girl Scouts talks about teaching girls to code

 Legends of Chemistry whose work saved the US Space Program 

In love with space and think you can only study it if you are a physicist or astronaut. No so!

Thank a look at all these opportunities to study space that Arizona State University has! Very awesome stuff and some really cool science tool!

What did the Hubble telescope see on your birthday!