Camp Update

SPICE Camp 2025 applications

Now OPEn

Returning campers and their siblings are guaranteed a spot for 2025

Have you ever wished you had an invisibility cloak or gone looking for the end of the rainbow? Are you the kind of person who always wants to know WHY?  

SPICE Camp is a UO supported program designed to engage young women in the sciences through hands on experimentation.

Camp Topics

Rising 6th Graders - More than Meets the Eye: Science Discovery

Navigate the science scavenger hunt, visiting well-known and hidden features of the UO campus to collect data and solve the puzzle.  Learn about the scientific method with paper airplanes, plumb the depths of the mystery box, and apply what you've learned in the Amazing Science Race.

Rising 7th Graders -  Whodunit? Forensic Investigation

How do we know what happened before we arrived on the scene?  Forensics is the science of figuring out just that, whether it's a 100 million year old comet strike or a murder that happened just last night, learn how scientists solve mysteries with geology, chemistry, and archaeology.

Rising 8th Graders - Build It! Maker Camp

Learn about simple and complex machines, computer programming and all the physics in between.  Then put your knowledge to work building a series of maker projects such as BEAM bots, e-textiles, and interactive Automata.

Who can participate?

Students who will be in the 6th through 8th grades in Fall 2025 (exception will be made for returning rising 9th graders). SPICE camp is designed to yield maximum benefit to girls. Preference is given to girls, transgender, and non-binary applicants. For boys who are interested in a similar experience, we recommend camps from the Eugene Science CenterNearby Nature, and the Boys and Girls Clubs.

What is the participation cost?

Camp tuition is $800.   Scholarships are available and awarded on a need basis. 

Camp tuition can be paid by check, cash, or through our e-commerce site (for credit or bank card services). In mid-April, we send camp enrollment documentation and you will FIND the link for Payment Here!

If you have requested a scholarship, we will notify you of the amount due the first week of June (subject to change).

Payment is due 2 weeks prior to the start of camp (Session 1: June 23, Session 2: July 14). We typically have a robust wait-list. If you need to cancel for any reason prior to camp just let us know and we will process a full refund.

Can I sign my child up for part of camp?

SPICE camp is designed to be experienced for the full two weeks. If a camper must miss a day or two we can usually accommodate, but we do not recommend attending if you will miss more than 1-2 days. We cannot pro-rate tuition for missed days. Our costs are largely fixed, regardless of daily attendance.


Camp will be held on the University of Oregon Campus:

Oregon Center for Optical, Molecular, & Quantum Science

240 Willamette Hall

1274 University of Oregon

Eugene, OR 97403-1274


Session 1: July 7th - 18th - Discovery, Forensics, Maker

Session 2: July 28th - August 8th - Discovery, Forensics, Maker

SPICE Camp 2025 Application open

Selection Criteria:

Returning participants from previous years are guaranteed a spot if application is received by March 15. Returning applicants should select the successive camp (Discovery in 2024 will be in Forensics in 2025, Forensics in 2024 will be in Maker in 2025). New applicants will be added to a waitlist for the appropriate grade level, and are accepted on a first come, first served basis after the registration deadline for returning campers. SPICE Camp 2025 registration opens on January 10th. Returning and new campers can expect to receive an enrollment survey beginning April 1st.

Students from underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply.

All rising 6th, 7th, and 8th graders who identify as girls in Lane County are eligible. As camps fill up we may offer applicants positions in a different camp in order to serve as many girls as possible.


Once you are notified of acceptance to camp you will be sent links to the camp registration form and our eCommerce site for payment. This registration form provides us with additional information we need in order to serve your camper and information about our research program.


SPICE administrators will be conducting research on the effects of the program.  Campers will all have the opportunity to participate in this research. More information on the research plan will be available soon.

Questions? Contact Jorjie Arden at or (541) 346-4528.

SPICE is supported by funding from the University of Oregon College of Arts and Sciences, the University of Oregon Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity, the Oregon Center for Optical, Molecular, and Quantum Science, Oregon Community Foundations grant, and a generous donation from the Rosaria P. Haugland Foundation.