April 29 - Go Outside!

It’s time to get out!

Spring is here and Summer is around the corner. It’s time to do some science out of doors! This week we offer a wide range of activities suitable for all ages. Adapt to your young learners as needed. Links for more in depth investigation are provided by age category below.


All Ages Activities

Build a Dam

Humans build dams to store water for growing crops and to control where water goes. Beavers build dams to make ponds for their lodges. You can try your hand at building outside.

Is there a spout or small river of rain water near you? Build a damn and see if you can collect the water. How fast is the water moving – drop a leaf where the water comes out and count how long it takes to make it to your dam.

Want a different challenge? Build a bridge over the water!

Check out National Geographic for images and info about other animal architects!

Rainy Days

Humans like to stay inside when it’s raining, but we miss a lot of interesting fun when we do. Next time it rains put on your boots and coat and try these activities.

Rainy Days are Duck Days. Ducks love the rain. So do tropical birds, like parrots. What animals are having fun in the rain near you? Are the slugs out? Any worms? What about a cat? Any turkeys near by? How many insects can you find?

Hide and seek – Some animals hide when it rains. Slowly lift leaves and twigs and see if any critters are hiding underneath

What flowers are open while it’s raining? What color are the flowers you are finding? Can you find all the colors of a rainbow? ROYGBIV – Red orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo and Violet!!! These are the colors we humans can see. What colors are missing? Do you see any plants of those colors when the sun is out? Learn more about plant color in nature here.

Drawing in the rain - Did you know that most chalk can be used in the rain!!! It’s true. Some sidewalk chalk even gets mushy and acts more like finger paint when it’s crushed and mixed with water.

Rain orchestra – when rain hits objects it makes a sound. What do you have in your house that you are allowed to play with that could make a different sound? Try pots and pans, plastic bottles and tubs, get creative!!!

Build a Rain Gage - Sometimes it seems like it rains all the time in Oregon. Find out just how much by building your own rain gauge!

Rain Cloud in a Jar - Simulate your own rain cloud with stuff from around the kitchen.

Mushroom hunting (eyes only)

Can you find different fungi in your yard?  How many mushrooms can you find of each type growing around you



Quarty Tip

Don’t eat the mushrooms you find outside. They can be poisonous (and they have a job to do). This is how mushrooms protect themselves from animals that might eat them.

Check out these fun fungus activities from the Cascade Mycological Society.

Fun with mushrooms for Pre-Middle

 Mushroom Activity for Teens/Adults 

What?! No rain! You can look for animals and flowers and mushroom in the sun too!!!

After you have played outside you can use clay, play dough or other stuff around your house to make your own mushrooms and wildflowers. 

Want to identify plants and mushrooms around you? Check out these resources from Oregon State University’s Oregon Flora Project.

Digging Deeper

Check out resources from these great educators

Whole Earth School

OSU Extension Service

California Native Plant Society

Fungi: Why Mushrooms Are Awesome - Video

Links for Middle School

Amoeba Sisters - Fungi and Protists (video)

Want to identify plants and mushrooms around you? Check out these resources from Oregon State University’s Oregon Flora Project.

Links for High School

Fungi serve an important role in nature. Learn more about decomposers in the video by Crash Course.


Be a Citizen Scientist!!!

What is a citizen aka community scientist? Watch this and this find out!