Camp 2020 - More Information

Based on guidance from the Oregon Health Authority, it looks like we will be able to hold SPICE Camp for the summer of 2020.

Here are a few details about what camp will look like. We’ll know more once the internal UO approval process is complete.

Group Size of 10

Approved day-camps, like SPICE are limited to stable groups of 10 children. This means that we will be splitting our camps in half. Groups will not be allowed to interact, however, we’re working on no-contact outdoor games that will allow interaction between the groups without compromising safety. We do stlll plan to serve the usual full compliment of 120 campers this year with some modifications for safety.


As our camps will be divided in half, so will our staff. Each group of 10 will be served by a dedicated senior instructor, junior instructor, and supply coordinator. Additional volunteers will be working with each group of 10. Camp staff will stick with one group of 10 for the duration and will not physically interact with other groups or campers.


All of the classrooms SPICE uses more than meet the criteria of 35 square foot per person in the room.

Safety and Hygiene

Camp this year will feature lots of hand washing, gloves, and sanitizing. Many of our activities already require safety procedures like these, so we are well prepared to implement the state safety guidelines. Campers will not be required to wear masks, per state guidance, but masks and/or face shields will be available and encouraged. Spaces and equipment will be cleaned multiple times per day.

Tracking and Screening

We will be tracking camper and staff contact information and interactions so that in the event that someone becomes ill we will be able to aid in contact tracing. SPICE staff will be taking temperatures for all staff and campers each day and screening for signs of illness. Anyone showing symptoms of illness (excluding chronic conditions like asthma and seasonal allergies) will be required to stay home until symptom free for at least 72 hours.

Check in/Check out

Drop off and pick up of campers will be taking place outdoors in a space with easy access for vehicles. Check in times will be staggered to avoid creating lines and long waits for parents and campers.

We’ll have more information as we get closer to camp. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions ( We look forward to a productive and fun summer for our campers and families.