BEST Training
This page provides and overview of all the roles and training required for BEST, Science Fair Workshops, and Science Fair Project Mentors. Questions about BEST and mentoring opportunities/coordination should be directed to the SPICE coordinator, Jorjie Arden ( Questions about curriculum and workshop activities should be directed to Holly Lynn (
Program Philosophy & Motivational Theories
SPICE Volunteer Training
Safety Training (main)
Youth Protection Policy
Science Fair Instructor Training
Required Trainings
Program Philosophy and Motivational Theories
Required For: Instructors, Interns & Researchers
Delivery: Online videos, web text, readings*, and test
This training provides an overview of the research and theories that inform the SPICE program model and how these theories have been translated into concrete guidelines for doing science with children in a manner that supports motivational development. Additional reading and writing assignments may be required for researchers and interns.
Volunteer Policies & Safety Training
Required For: Volunteers
Delivery: Online video and test
Quick overview of SPICE practices and underlying theories for volunteers.
Overview of safety for carrying out science activities with children including: fire & combustibles, chemicals, cryogenic substances, and general safety.
Youth Protection Policy and Training
Required For: Instructors, Interns, Researchers, and Volunteers
Delivery: Through UO training site
This training includes information about conduct with minors, recognizing signs of abuse or neglect, and reporting requirements. All personnel must read the Youth Protection Policy and complete the online training. Employees (and students) can access the training directly. Volunteers will be sent a link to access the training.
Science Fair Instructor Training
Required For: Mentors, Science Fair Workshop Instructors
Delivery: SPICE Web Pages
This training includes information about how to develop a science fair project. The training includes links to presentations, videos, and activities for supporting project development. The training was developed specifically for the Science Fair Project Development Workshop series lead by SPICE each winter. This consists of 4 workshops, each with a hands on activity related to the workshop content. Mentors can adapt these materials as they see fit when assisting students.
Instructor - Each workshop will have 2-3 lead instructors. Instructors are responsible for reviewing all curriculum and materials in preparation for each session. Instructors will lead workshops with middle school aged students at school sites. Instructors are responsible for their own transportation. SPICE staff will help with coordinating transport to the extent possible.
Required Trainings: Program Philosophy and Motivational Theories (online), Volunteer & Online Safety Training, Youth Protection Policy and Training (Online), instuctional training (in person with Holly Lynn), background check permission form, district background check process.
Mentors - Mentors will be working one-on-one with underrepresented middle school aged students on developing science fair projects for the CWOSE regional science fair to be held in March 2020 (feeds into the state competition) and/or the UO Science and Invention Fair to be held in May 2020. Mentors will help students refine their research question and methods. Guide them toward reliable background research, provide feedback on their investigative procedures, and help with application paperwork and presentations.
Required Trainings: Science Fair Instructor Training, Volunteer & Online Safety Training, Youth Protection Policy and Training (Online), background check permission form, district background check process.
Resources for Science Fair Projects and mentoring can be found on the SPICE web site.
Science Fair Project Resources
Science Fair Instructor Training
***Anyone over the age of 18 who will be working with children must submit the background check permission form.***